Datacenter Cloud Management

Are you ready for the Cloud? Don’t forget your applications!


If your enterprise is moving to a Cloud based service model or deploying applications to a cloud-based service, have you considered these challenges?

What pieces of your existing network and security infrastructure will need to be architected to ensure high performance and hardened security?

Which of your applications are the best fit for deployment to a third party cloud provider?

What applications have inherent interdependencies and will performance be hampered moving to the cloud?

Will end user performance be affected and how do your guarantee customer satisfaction if you move to the cloud?

What is your application performance SLA and can your cloud provider support those SLA’s?

What is the agreed upon measure for performance between you and your Cloud provider?

Which applications need to be updated in order to be “Cloud Ready”?

It doesn’t matter if your moving some or all of your applications to the Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud environments, Great Northern Consulting can help you in your journey to the Cloud!