Cyber Security and Risk Management

Great Northern Consulting has a full service Security Practice covering both design and implementation


Assessment Services

Assessment Services are broken down into a number of categories based on general sets of client goals in order to ensure that the assessment service or services delivered are focused on the specific target areas. This focus ensures rapid feedback and immediately actionable plans and recommendations are available to technical and executive stakeholders. We have found that this approach reduces the effort and resources required to achieve IT alignment with operational goals and requirements.

Compliance Assessments

Generally, compliance assessments deal with the alignment of operational and technical controls to an external set of requirements. Such requirements are well defined and regimented and we provide a wealth of experience in a number of common compliance areas as follows:

Operational Assessments

Operational assessments focus on reducing risk, maximizing operational efficiency, aligning policies and processes wit internal and external drivers, and the analyzing reporting channels and information. Examples of common operational assessments include but are not limited to the following:

Technical Assessments

Technical Assessments address the analysis of one or more technical areas to provide actionable recommendations and roadmap information to improve service delivery, reduce the threat surface, enhanced the security posture, and expand the operational capabilities and capacities of IT systems.

Design Services

Design Services are comprised of two major categories; operational design services and technical design services. The purpose of design services is to provide a technical, actionable plan for the implementation and integration of operational or technical controls and capabilities while maximizing IT investment. It is recommended that design services stem from Assessment Services so that the environment, goals, and requirements of the solution are adequately defined.

Operational Design Services

Operational Design is the methodology of translating policy into functional and efficient operational processes. The goal of operational design is to ensure that processes are documented, tested, and efficient. Examples of operational design services include but are not limited to the following:

Technical Design Services

Technical Design is the process of aligning technical systems to effectively and efficiently support business goals and requirements. The goal of technical design is to identify, document, and plan the integration of a comprehensive solution that adds to the capability, capacity, security, availability, and functionality of the IT infrastructure while ensuring that the benefits from any investment are maximized while maintaining alignment with business goals and requirements.